David Avidan is a photographer and music-lover from the Philadelphia area.
Music memorabilia enthusiast - collector of everything like vinyl records, cassette tapes, posters, setlists, guitar picks, drumsticks, t-shirts, vintage magazines & weird art
Davidan Shots (by d avidavid an) reflects my live music experiences in the Philadelphia area and beyond, documenting all of the incredible music that comes through the area through my lens. 
 Synchronistic serendipity to me represents capturing a fraction of a second of a moment in time, luck by chance. You just so happened to be at the right time and place in the universe to stumble upon these magical moments, and that's why I've made it my mission to document that essence, to try and capture that psychedelic and transcendent element of your performance,
a serendipitous moment frozen in time forever
for you to share with those who couldn't be there to experience the show in person!